Fr. Franciscus Neri (Francis) Soedjiwo, 72 years old, passed away on June 22, 2018, in Bandung (Indonesia).
He was born in Boro (Central Jawa, Indonesia) in 1946. He joined the Congregation in 1985. He was ordained priest on January 15, 1987, in Pangkalpinang.
He served in various services, such as formator of postulants, parish work in Bandung and in the diocese of Ketapang (Kalimantan).
Because of his health he was assigned to the house of formation of Jogyakarta, and later to the Provincial House in Batam. Finally he went to the postulancy house in Bandung, living the last weeks in the hospital of Saint Charles Borromeo, where he died.
The funeral will take place on Monday, June 25, in Bandung.