Fr. Bruno Benati, 66 years old, died on June 17, 2008 in Rome (Italy). He entered the noviciate in 1972 in Combs-la-Ville (France) and he was professed on September 16, 1973. He was ordained a priest in Pontenure (Italy), on May 1, 1976.
- Born on April 6, 1942 in Sanmartini of Crevalcore (Bologna)
- His father: Vittorio Benati; her mother Albina Lenzi
- Baptised: April 19, 1942 in Sanmartini
- Confirmed October 3, 1948 in Sanmartini
- Elementary schools in the state school Sanmartíni
of Crevalcore and secondary school in Crevalcore
- 1961: Diploma in "Technical trading" at the
technical college Manfredi Bologna
- 1961: Military service
- 1961 to 1969: working in a warehouse.
- 1969 (October 6): psotulant in Pontenure (Piacenza) with the father Leon Beckers
- 1970 to 1972: Philosophical Studies in Bologna
- 1972 (September 28): Novitiate SS.CC. in Combs (France) with Father Daniel Travers
- 1973 (September 16): First vows in Pontenure with his father Juliaan Vandekerkhove
- 1974 (June 16): lay ministries (reader and acolyte) in Pontenure with his father
Andre Bruneel
- 1975 (May 29): Final Vows, in Pontenure with his father Juliaan Vanderkerkhove
- 1975 (June 29): deacon in Crevalcore with Monsignor Benedict Cocchi
- 1973 to 1976: theological studies at the theological school Alberoris of Piacenza
- 1976 (May 1): priestly ordination in Pontenure with Monsignor Enrico Manfredini
- 1977 to 1980: assistant at school P. Damiano of Pontenure
- 1980 to 1982: License in Spiritual Theology in Rome, Teresianus de Roma.
- 1982 1984: professor of religion at school district Pontenure
- 1985 to 2005: Missionary in in Colombia
- 2005-2006: Sabbatical year
- 2007: Econome, postulator and procurator at the General House in Rome, Italy
- June 17, 2008: death
- June 20, 2008: buried in Crevalcore