"In Jesus we find everything"

General Government of the Brothers and Sisters, Rome


Home / Our deceased / † Fr. Jan (Cosmas) SCHEEPENS sscc (Holland)

† Fr. Jan (Cosmas) SCHEEPENS sscc (Holland)

Jan Scheepens, 81 years old, died this morning, on   July 26, at 10.45 hrs local time very calm and peacefully, after 5 days being in coma after a stroke.
   The funeral will be on Thursday 30 juli, at 11.00 o'clock in Bavel. The Superior General, Javier Álvarez-Ossorio will preside the funeral mass together with Henrique Scheepens the younger brother of Jan.
    May the good God give Jan eternal rest and peace. Amen.
19.04.1928 Born and baptised in Best
                 Son of Cornelius Joannes Scheepens and 
                 Maria Catharina van Abeelen
1941-1947  Minor seminarie in Sint-Oedenrode
30.08.1947  Noviciate in Bavel
24.09.1948  Temporary vows in Bavel
24.09.1951  Perpetual vows in Valkenburg
30.08.1953  Ordination in Valkenburg
20.08.1954  Practical pastoral year in Nuland
20.08.1955  Study at the Radboud University in Nijmegen: Study of ‘The Classics’. 
                  In the meantime master at the minor seminary in Sint-Oedenrode
13.04.1962  Doctorandus in ‘The Classics’
09.08.1962  Prior of the community of Sint Oedenrode
03.08.1964  Superior of the community of Sint Oedenrode
24.11.1964  Provincial superior of the Dutch province
08.10.1967  Superior of the community of the provincial house in Bavel
30.05.1968  Elected as member of the Conference of the Dutch Religious Priests
01.10.1968  Elected as member of the National Dutch Commission for Mission
28.09.1970  Elected as General Superior ss.cc.
17.11.1970  Departed to Rome
10.10.1976  Reelected as General Superior ss.cc.

30.04.1978  Decorated as Knight of the Order of the Dutch Lion

18.09.1982  End of his second period as General Superior
10.11.1982  Back in Holland, member of the community of Bavel
                  Departure to Peru. As member of the Dutch province he helps the Peruvian province as formator
                  in Arequipa (postulancy)
12.01.1985  Elected as member of the provincial council of the Peruvian province
01.01.1987  Becomes a member of the Peruvian province

1985           First responsible formator in Lima (El Callao)
1987           Professor at the Theological Institute of Lima (Latin language)
1991           Les responsibility for the formation
                  Helping out in some parish
                  Chaplain in a hospital of German sisters and the German sisters convent
1993           Some complaints about his health: problems with his eyes; easily tired
1994           No longer first responsibility for the formation
                  Chairman of the commission for the preparation of the feast of the beatification of father Damian
1998           Pastoral assistant in the sscc parish at the Plaza Francia in Lima and member of the community 
                  of the provincial house
2001           Operation of his eye
19.09.2003  Golden priest jubilee in Lima
11.11.2003  Returns to Holland because of his health. Member of the Dutch province and member of the
                  community of Bavel
14.02.2006  Moves to the Common Convent for Old Religious, members of different congregations 
                   ‘Joannes Zwijsen’in Tilburg.
26.07.2009  Deceases in Tilburg.
