Fr. Piet, 91 years old, died on February 28, 2012 in Venlo (Holland).
He entered the novitiate in 1939 and he was professed on October 27, 1940, in Bavel (Holland).
He was ordained a priest in Broekhem (Holland) on March 1, 1947.

Piet was born in Arnhemon 12 September1921.He took his monastic vows in Bavel on October 27, 1940 and was ordained a priest in Broekhemon 1 March 1947.
In 1948 he became a member of the community of Valkenburg.He gave lessons in philosophy, was a member of the local community council and local economist.In 1958 he was ppointedprovincialeconomist.In 1964 he became superior of the community of Valkenburg.At the end of 1969 he asked to be relieved of this function, which was granted him with honor.
On January 1, 1970 he was appointed chaplain of the St. PetersparishinBaarlo.In 1974 he became parish priest of the Holy Family parish inVenlo.When he was 65 years, he was honorably discharged as pastor,but remained active in the parish until 2006.
In the congregation Piet has been a member of different commissions and the provincial counci.
The last couple of years the physical health of Piet slowly went down.Afterhaving received the Sacrament of the Sick, he was admitted to a nursing home in Venlo.
On 25 February, Piet fell down and broke his hip. Although it was clear that due to the complications Piet days were counted, the end came unexpectedly. On the evening of 28 February he quietly passed away.
The funeral mass was celebrated on March 5. Piet is buried in the cemetery of the Congregation in Breda.