CONGREGATION OF THE SACRED HEARTSof JESUS and MARY General Government of the Brothers and Sisters, Rome
For SSCC only
Home / Our deceased
26.03.2021† Sister Maria del Pilar Ganuza Gómez, (Spain)
15.03.2021† Father Antoine KNIBIEHLY METZ sscc (Chile)
15.03.2021† Father Juan Andrés PERETIATKOWICZ VALDÉS sscc (Chile)
08.03.2021† Sister Alicia Espín Moya (Ecuador)
23.02.2021† Father Jean-Marie OLIVIER sscc (France)
13.02.2021† Father Richard LIFRAK sscc (US)
08.02.2021† Father Manuel GARCÍA RIPADO sscc (Iberia)
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The Good Father is wounded on the left leg. The wound takes a long time to close. He will be laid up until April.