CONGREGATION OF THE SACRED HEARTSof JESUS and MARY General Government of the Brothers and Sisters, Rome
For SSCC only
Home / Our deceased
17.08.2008† Sr. Marie-Madeleine FERRIER sscc (France)
29.07.2008† Sr. Inés Victoria PAZ y MIÑO sscc (Spain)
29.07.2008† Fr. Jan van BERKEL sscc (Holland)
07.07.2008† Fr. Juan (Ignacio) SÁNCHEZ UGARTE sscc (Chile)
06.07.2008† Sr. Stéphanie (Rose-Marie) DeCOSTA PAVAO sscc (Pacific-U.S.A.)
17.06.2008† Fr. Bruno BENATI sscc (Colombia)
14.06.2008† Fr. Noël (Dominique) STÉPHAN (France)
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The Good Mother leaves with eleven sisters to found a house in Troyes.