Secular Branch consists of lay Catholics (women and men) committed by faith to build a better world, according to the charism of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary. With this charism the members of the Secular Branch are drawn to "contemplate, live and proclaim" the love of God manifested in Jesus, precisely there, in the circumstances of their world.
Knowing that in this way we are not alone. The Spirit of Jesus always precedes us.
In addition, we walk with the Church, the People of God, with SSCC brothers and sisters, aspiring to contribute to building a more just world in solidarity with the poor.

The joy of living and sharing the mission received by our Founders, makes one to compromise, after a period of formation, with the Secular Branch, through a promise. This is done first for one year and then for three years, renewable indefinitely.
Secular Branch is found in almost all countries in which the brothers and sisters of the Congregation work. In 2019, the total number of members are around 712.
Accepting to be a member of the Secular Branch of the Congregation is to accept loving the world as God loves it and as his Son Jesus has manifested it in his Gospel. The world, especially the poor and dispossessed, need your hands to "lengthen" the hand of God, so that his love can reach out and touch all humanity.
"As lay persons, they share in the mission of the Congregation according
to their own vocation: to live and spread the Gospel and build a more just world,
realizing the Kingdom of God in the Church and the world of today"
(Art. 2, Statutes of the Secular Branch)