PHILIPPINES, Silang: beginning novitiate brothers and sisters, with Oscar Jegaut sscc (master) and Mestiar Habeahan sscc (mistress), and Subal Nayak sscc (1.06.2018)
PHILIPPINES, Silang: beginning novitiate brothers and sisters, with Oscar Jegaut sscc (master) and Mestiar Habeahan sscc (mistress), and Subal Nayak sscc (1.06.2018)
PHILIPPINES, Silang: Beginning of the Novitiate of brothers and sister (01.06.2018)
PHILIPPINES, Manila: Renewal of vows of Jabita Baliarsingh (10.05.2018)
PHILIPPINES, Manila: Renewal of vows of Jabita Baliarsingh (10.05.2018)
PHILIPPINES, Manila: Renewal of vows of Jabita Baliarsingh (10.05.2018)
PHILIPPINES, Manila: First profession of Ima, thanksgiving (19.05.2018)
PHILIPPINES, Manila: First profession of Ima, (19.05.2018)
PHILIPPINES, Manila: First profession of Ima, Regina receive the vows (19.05.2018)
PHILIPPINES, Manila: First profession of Ima, Sisters and Brothers (19.05.2018)
PHILIPPINES, Manila: First profession of Ima, thanksgiving (19.05.18)
PHILIPPINES, Manila: First profession of Ima 2 (19.05.18)