SPAIN, Seville: Feast of the Epiphany (06.01.2019)

SPAIN, San Fernando: Parish of Buen Pastor (Cáritas) praised for its work (20.12.2018)

ESPAÑA, Madrid: Meeting in Madrid regarding the Synod (17.11.2018)

SPAIN, Mazagón: Miriam Ozcoidi sscc, Edu de Haza sscc, Bea Garcia Comyn sscc and María Vidal Tinajero sscc, collaborating with emigrants (18.08.2018)

SPAIN, El Escorial: Assembly of the Secular Branch of the Iberian Peninsula (02-03.06.2018)

SPAIN, Salamanca: Retired Sisters collaborating with the Youth Ministry 2 (17.05.2018)

SPAIN, Salamanca: Retired Sisters collaborating with the Youth Ministry 2 (05.17.2018)

SPAIN, Salamanca: Retired sisters collaborating with the Youth Ministry 1 (17.05.2018)

SPAIN, El Escorial: Encounter of Initial Formation in Spain (25.02.2018)

SPAIN, Salamanca: Meeting of SSCC Brothers and Sisters (22.10.2017)

SPAIN, Madrid: Novitiate community (14.09.2017)

SPAIN, Madrid: Beginning of the novitiate (14.09.2017)