PERU, Lima: Latin American Meeting of the SSCC Lay Branch (28-30 Mar 2013)

PERU, Lima: The Superior General and some Brothers presiding the celebration of the Golden Jubilee of María Gracia MORENO (Jan. 15, 2012)

PERU, Lima: The celebration of the Golden Jubilee of María Gracia MORENO (Jan. 15, 2012)

PERU, Lima: The Superior General presiding the celebration of the Golden Jubilee of María Gracia MORENO (Jan. 15, 2012)

PERU, Lima: Retreat ot the Sisters of Peru (Jan. 2012)

PERU, Lima: Workshop of the Sisters of Peru, Brazil and Mexico on Ongoing Formation (Jan. 2012)

PERU, Lima: Workshop of the Sisters of Peru, Brazil and Mexico on Ongoing Formation (Jan. 2012)

PERU, Cuyo Cuyo : Brothers and Sisters meet the family of Alicia Mamani, General Councilor (2010)

PERU, Lima: Visit to the Canto Grande Community (2010)

PERU, Lima: Visit to the neighborhood of Laderas (2010)

PERU, Lima: Visit to Laderas de Chillón Community (2010)

PERU, Lima: Meeting with staff of the House of Spirituality (2010)