"In Jesus we find everything"

General Government of the Brothers and Sisters, Rome


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Preparation for final vows in Manila (Srs)

On Saturday 2 August, six sisters have started a two-month program designed to prepare them for the final profession. The meeting takes place in Manila (Philippines), in the Kamuning community of the Sisters. Sisters Brigid Falahee, Geraldine Bane and Alejandra Muñoz lead the animation team.

The sisters participating in this program are: from India, Sujata Jena and Goretti Nayak; from Indonesia, Petra Limijatin, Agnes Endarti, Mestiar Habeahan and Augustina Mulyati. The last two are currently residing in the Philippines.

The opening ceremony of the program was integrated into the celebration of the Eucharist at 6 pm on Saturday 2 August at the chapel of the Kamuning community. Therefore, the three members of the Asia Project Coordinator sisters team: Ratna Kumalasari (Major Superior), Jane Francis Leandro and Emiliana Saptaningsih (Counselors) traveled especially to the Philippines to attend.

The "Vision" text of the program begins with this quote from the Gospel of John 21: 6, "Throw your net on the right side of the boat and you will find." Next, the sisters participant are invited to live these months as "a sacred space for contemplation and shared life."  This is to deepen the mystery of the presence of Jesus in their lives, accompanied by witnesses who have preceded us, particularly our founders, the Good Father and Good Mother. They are encouraged to enter into themselves "with truth and freedom, so that they can celebrate the richness of the grace that has brought them up to this moment as they are, with their lights and shadows, and their own history of learning, joys and sorrows.” So they will be able to “reignite the passion for the mission." Finally, they are assured the support of their SSCC sisters and brothers during this time of growth as members of the Congregation.

Along with the animation team, many speakers will deliver their contributions during the next eight weeks; including three brothers of the Congregation: Martin O'Loghlen, Jean Pierre Cottanceau and Enrique Moreno.


  • 1. Jeanne Cadiou ha scritto il 08/05/2014 alle 23:52:

    Grande est notre joie d'apprendre que six  sœurs se préparent en Asie à l'engagement perpétuel au service des Sacrés Cœurs. Soyez certaines que nous vous accompagnons de nos prières, spécialement pendant les temps d'adoration.
    En grande et profonde communion, de tout cœur.

    Les sœurs de la Province France/Québec

  • 2. oscar sscc ha scritto il 08/05/2014 alle 09:05:

    Dear sisters
    From our noviciate brothers always pray for this blessed moment. May the spirit of the Lord be with you always. For sister Brigid who celebrate 50 years in the congregation. May God bless you,

    One in ss.cc