From January 22 to 26, 64 brothers met at the Syantikara retreat house in Yogjakarta. The brothers were coming from the 4 formation communities (pre-novitiate, novitiate, philosophy and theology), the 7 communities running parishes, the communities of the Provincial House and the Retreat House (both in Batam), and brothers coming from the island of Bangka. Sister Ratna Kumalasari sscc, attended as a delegate of the sisters. Some members of the Secular Branch also participated partially.
The motto that presided over this assembly was: "The Constitutions help each one of us to experience ‘Savor God along the journey of life’". The Provincial, Fr. Bonie Payong sscc, made a presentation of the current moment of the province, where important advances are mixed with numerous challenges that require time to face them.
The brothers had the opportunity to share the experiences of the new communities on the island of Sumatra: in Mentawai, in Lau Baleng (north of Sumatra) and in Tanjung Balai. They are missionary places, of periphery, where the access to the diverse areas of the parishes is complex. They also paid attention to the testimony of Fr. Felix Supranto sscc and his work in dialogue with the Muslims. Fr. Martin Irawan sscc offered a reflection on "savoring God" starting from the text of the disciples of Emmaus.