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General Government of the Brothers and Sisters, Rome


Home / News / Handing over the parishes of Chupanga e Inhaminga (Mozambique)

Handing over the parishes of Chupanga e Inhaminga (Mozambique)

On February 23, 2014, the Congregation returned to the Diocese of Beira (Sofala, Mozambique) the parishes of Chupanga and Inhaminga. In 1956 the Dutch brothers came to Inhaminga. It has been 58 years of international presence of our brothers, sometimes in very difficult circumstances: the colonial war, civil wars, insecurity, population displacement ... The current archbishop said that it was impossible to make the summary of the 58 years of pastoral care in such a vast area.

The transfer of the parishes was held in an almost private way. The outgoing and incoming teams of priests gathered in the presence of the archbishop, to submit documents on patrimony and financial situation. The archbishop gave some explanations and they discussed about the future lines, insisting that the parishes are not of the priests but of the Christian communities.

In the parish Mass celebrated right after, a very formal ritual was followed: reading of the appointments, renewal of priestly promises, profession of faith ... Neither the parish council nor the faithful express any feeling. 


                      Inhaminga                                                             Chupanga



  • 1. Paula Teck ha scritto il 03/02/2014 alle 16:09:

    Pour la Congrégation entière, un beau livre d'histoire  vient d'être clôturé.
    Pour l' Eglise à  Beira, des fondatiions solides ont été données, car  la Parole de Dieu est semée  en abondance, .et des vies données de nos Frères et Soeurs là, donneront  beaucoup de fruits...Nous y croyons.
    Nous portons la Mission en Afrique dans nos coeurs et dans nos prières. Bonne mission à tous nos Frères et Soeurs en Afrique! La Mission reste urgente et continue...
    Votre Soeur Paula Teck ,ss.cc.

  • 2. goyi ha scritto il 02/27/2014 alle 16:33:

    En Inhaminga mi corazón se abrió a la realidad del pueblo africano, mucho aprendí de este pueblo. siento su cierre, e nuestra realidad... Estoy con vosotros en esta partida Goyi