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General Government of the Brothers and Sisters, Rome


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Assembly of the SSCC Sisters in Asia

From 10 to 14 June, the SSCC Sisters in Asia have made their triennial assembly in Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines. A group of 21 sisters gathered in these days to evaluate the past three years, since the previous meeting in Bandung (Indonesia) in 2013, and prepare proposals for the new governance structure to open in 2017.

The professed sisters who make up the communities of Asia are 37, and 30 of them were born in Asia. They were accompanied in the assembly by two SSCC brothers: Bonifasius (Bonie) Payong, Coordinator of the CAP and Provincial of Indonesia, and Enrique Moreno, as facilitator of the meeting.

So far, the Sisters of Asia have formed the Priority Project of Congregation for Asia, known as PPC Asia, whose structure will be replaced by the Asia–Pacific USA Zone, which will have two Territories: Asia, with communities in India, Indonesia and the Philippines; and Pacific USA, with the communities of the current Province of the same name in Hawaii. According to the recent restructuring agreed by the Sisters of the Congregation, each Zone will have a Superior delegated by the General Government, and each Territory, a Coordinator chosen by the bases.

Prior to the closing day of the assembly, Sister Helene Wood, provincial vicar of Pacific USA, came to the Philippines to make known the reality of that territory SSCC and express their expectations to the new configuration that approaches. At the closing, a tribute was paid to the Irish Sister Geraldine Bane, who served for 17 years in the novitiate in Asia, located in the Philippines.
