On May 2 and 3 we had the opportunity of presenting the presence of the ss.cc sisters and missions in Asia, Africa and Spain, to the community of Medellin. Through power point presentations, the sisters journeyed to India, the Philippines, Indonesia, Congo, Mozambique and Spain, where the biggest numbers of sisters are. They were very happy to know more about the different ministries in each territory. Simple typical food from each territory was served after each presentation. The sisters enjoyed the delicious different cuisine, the sweet rice from India, the French bread and smoked ham from Spain and the Yuca from Africa. It was topped off by dances in which we celebrated and shared life together.
May 4-6, we had our class on the topic “ESPERE” which means the School of Forgiveness and Reconciliation. It was facilitated by a lay group. Two ss.cc teachers and two lay people from outside joined us. We were assailed by various kinds of activities and guided meditations evoking memories of the past and bringing us to the present. It was a process that helped us to look deeper into ourselves, to recognize our emotions, limitations and potential, to forgive and be reconciled with ourselves first and then with others, in order to be better instruments of forgiveness and reconciliation in our present world today. It was followed by the sharing of insights and reflections on our life which synthesized our experience of the topic “ESPERE”. This was facilitated by Ana Lucia Cardona and Cristina Naranjo on May 17.
May 10, 2018 was a special day for our Congregation where we celebrated the Feast of Saint Damien of Molokai and had the sixth year renewal of temporary vows of Ellen Buyuccan and the 7th year renewal anniversary of Sangita Kullu. Fr. Jose Daniel Chalarca Marin, diocesan priest celebrated the Eucharistic mass and Claudia Margarita Orozco ss.cc, was delegated by the Superior General to receive her renewal. Ellen expressed her desire to renew her vows and entrust her life into the hands of God as she continued to give her life in the service of the poor. Inspired by our Founders and St. Damian of Molokai “to contemplate, live and announce God’s love” we make ourselves lepers with the lepers in our time, to gain all for Jesus Christ.
After the Eucharist it was followed by a simple “pizza” dinner and dances. Everybody enjoyed dancing with their own unique movements and styles. The room was filled with joy and the family Spirit of our founders and St. Damian was very much alive.
On May 15-16 Fr. Jose Daniel Chalarca Marin, gave us the topic on Eucharist “the source and summit of our life” We started with Lectio Divina meditating upon the “Last Supper” and the Structures of the Eucharistic Celebration. We were asked to read the “Exhortacion Apostolica Postsinodal” Sacramentium Caritatis” by Pope Benedict XVI. It was an opportunity for us to renew and deepen our relationship with Jesus through the Eucharist as we continue to incarnate His love in our everyday life.
On May 22-30, we had our Spiritual exercises, facilitated by Fr. Luis Raul, SJ at “La Consolata” retreat house. It was a holistic, meaningful spiritual journey. We prayed, reflected and contemplated God’s creation; we recognized that we are sinners; we contemplated the incarnation of Jesus into our lives, His mission, death and resurrection in the context of our life as religious as we prepare ourselves for our final commitment to consecrate our life to God, called to live out our Charism as SSCC, to contemplate, live and announce God’s redeeming Love to the world.