"In Jesus we find everything"

General Government of the Brothers and Sisters, Rome


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News of the Secular Branch in Lima and Madrid

Renewal of commitments  in the Secular Branch,  Sector Peru.

We share joyfully with all the ss.cc. family our ceremonies of the renewal of commitments of the Sector. Starting this year, we want to give more emphasis to our commitments in relationship to the life of our communities. For us, our communities are the place where our testimony becomes stronger, richer and is accompanied. We want to be for our sscc lay communities a reason for hope, so that the sscc lay life be a project that enriches our community life.

We want to thank our families, who have been present accompanying this important moment in our Christian life. Thanks to our communities, who have taken up the reception and preparation of the ceremonies, but also have supported us and continue to support us in this congregational commitment. And to the sscc sisters and brothers  who have been given time to accompany our simple ceremonies and have enjoyed our fraternity, our meeting and our feast.

Many challenges are in front of our Sector in the coming years, but the most important is to continue taking side in a lay commitment in the world, encouraged by following Christ in the style of the Sacred Hearts.

      Belén                                                                        Nicolás Castel





Héctor de Cárdenas



November meeting of the Secular Branch of Madrid.

We all were eager of the arrival of this day (November 20), in which we will see each other again, to share hugs and kisses, feelings, our joys and our sorrows, our journeys, family lives, works, our community; to meet our children, who give that special color to our meetings, filling them of hustle and joy; they also participate, at their level, in the dynamics of the meeting.

We have been arriving to the community of the Sisters of El Paraíso, where we have received by the sisters with their usual affection. We always start with personal greetings, around a good coffee, accompanied by a delicious cake, which someone has made. Then we put ourselves in prayer, asking the Lord to send us his Spirit to continue to light our path. Today especially we ask for his strength, allowing us to go out of our usual way to work for a more fraternal world, with justice and solidarity.

Our job today is to continue taking steps, more concrete and engaged, in the project we have called "Caravan", with which we want to accompany people who are coming out of processes of social exclusion. Each one have reflected on our ability to this commitment, taking into account which are currently the family situations, our jobs, volunteer services that each one of us already has, and to which we continue accompanying to show that face of love of God in which we believe and we feel.

Later on we have gathered all around the table to share the delicious food that everyone has prepared, where once again the children have placed their joy and color.

Then we continued with the meeting; we have all expressed which is the result of our reflection, allowing us to continue taking steps on this project.

We finished with an Adoration, in which our religious sisters who were in the house have participated. Again, the Lord reminds us of the talents that He has placed in each of us and invites us to make ourselves available to those who need it most.


