The annual meeting of CEA Economes took place in the Provincial House in Werne from Monday 27 to Tuesday 28 April 2015. Present were Raja Sebastian (General Econome), Francisco (Javier) Otazu [Iberia], Christian Flottes [France], Manfred Kollig [Germany], Zbigniew Zalewski [Poland], Dr. Alex Aarts [Netherlands], Paul Aarts [Flanders], Ryszard Koscicki [Africa] and Derek Laverty (CEA Coordinator).
The meeting began with a presentation by each Province of its financial reality in respect of 2014. It is clear from the reports that Europe in particular is marked by a certain diminishment in personnel and in resources. This reality led to a short discussion in particular on the future financing of the Generalate, Africa and Initial Formation and in general on what could we all do to support the Congregation in Mission.
The conversation then moved towards the Damien International Community in Leuven. From the perspective of the CEA Economes it seems that there are two issues in particular up for discussion at this time: limited personnel and limited resources. In the beginning the Netherlands and Flanders Provinces undertook the commitment to financially support the Leuven Project for two years. The two-year period ends on 30 June 2016. Some questions surfaced: What is the plan post 30 June 2016 and where will the finances come from? What progress is being made as regards the Project becoming self-financing? Whilst we are aware that having brothers in Leuven involves expenses, we are not clear as to the project will be sustained.
As is the practice, time was given in the meeting to the Province of Africa. The budget for Initial Formation for 2015-16 is projected with a deficit. The CEA Economes Commission was unanimous in recommending to the CEA Provincials the approval of the payment of this deficit towards Initial Formation in Africa.
Among other things, there was a short discussion on the matter of ‘funding sources outside of SSCC'. This is a reference to Para 18 of the ‘Congregational Financial Solidarity' document that was approved in the General Chapter. A team is being put together at Congregational level with the remit to source funds outside of SSCC. Manfred will be part of this team. The CEA Economes were asked if they knew of a brother/s who may be able to help with this and to forward details to Raja. Also, it was stressed that those who ask for help in funding a project need to be professional in the drawing up of funding proposal.
A final word of thanks to Heinz-Josef Catrein, provincial of Germany, and to the community in Werne for hosting us so graciously and warmly.
Derek Laverty (CEA Coordinator).