SSCC Brothers in Mission
The Glory of God is the human person fully alive (St. Irenaeus)
Christian life is a life of witness to Christ. We witnessed joy in communion with our brothers. The program “meeting around final vows” is an opportune time for us to strengthen the bond of brotherhood. Coming from different cultures we shared our life together with great liveliness and sensitivity. Our togetherness has purpose and meaning since it is centered in the life and mission of the church. From our consecration to the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary we find the origin of our vocation and mission and that incorporates us into the service of the church. Our mission is to create communion among ourselves and it unites us in one spirit of heart and mind. Communion of brothers is the first mission we must nurture and live it out as witnesses. People will know that we are Christians by our love.
During our time together, we prayed, shared and got into the world of recreation. We spent time with deeper reflection and that led us to share with greater openness. Our group dynamics gave us broader pictures on Asian realities. As we focus on the religious life in Asia we felt that we are nurturing vocations in the church in Asia. Here vocations are booming in the midst of religious fundamentalism. It is we who are making a difference in a world where there is a risk of martyrdom. Our brothers are ready to go on mission wherever there is a call to serve. The harvest is plentiful and so also the laborers for the harvesting. It was a moment to sing ‘Glory to God’ that vocations in Asia are teeming like a fountain. It reminds us of Palms 65:12-14
The hills are girded with joy
The meadows covered with flocks,
The valleys are decked with wheat
They shout for joy, yes! they sing!
Our vowed life gives us a sense of our SSCC way of religious life. We have our own Identity of life, service and witness. Our commitment is to put on Christ-like attitude so as to enter into the deeper dynamism with Him. We need the attitude of Christ to actualize the kingdom of God on earth. Our common mission helps us rethink and revitalizes our life in the world of today. In the present trends of today’s world, many values affect our formation which can often become obstacles to our growth and maturity. Holistic formation is a need of the hour which forms us to be committed religious and to foster our communion in mission with greater creativity. We collaborate with each other on the long and tough journey and sometimes that make us exhausted missionaries. But our SSCC charism has its unique place in the church. It renews the drooping spirit breaking the anti-Christ sentiments. Of course! It was a moment of grace to build a web of relationship and it has enriched us to a deeper commitment.
We must be ready and avail ourselves to the need of the times being fully alive to the prompting of the Holy Spirit. We all felt the sensation of the Holy Spirit that led us to immerse ourselves in the process of continual conversion. We must be an agent to bring newness and integration so as to be men at work like Jesus our Lord and Master.
Our hearts are raised with gratitude towards our Initial Formation Team for creating a fertile ground to see us bloom with passion, fidelity and availability as a zealous SSCC. We all labored hard to find the treasure and we found it. Now! We rejoice in the Lord. All in all, it has been a very rewarding experience.