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General Government of the Brothers and Sisters, Rome


Home / News / The centenary of the birth of Father Esteban Gumucio sscc comes to an end

The centenary of the birth of Father Esteban Gumucio sscc comes to an end

The centenary of Father Esteban closed with 500 balloons with his poems thrown to heaven.

A thick heat accompanied the afternoon of Saturday 15 November, but did not stop about 800 people attended the closing of the centenary of the birth of Father Esteban Gumucio, at Parque Brasil, in La Granja (Santiago).







The Juana Fe group was responsible for opening the festival, preceded by a Chilean group based in Belgium called Xamanek. Then there were The Trukeros, who made people present to dance “cuecas” (a popular Chilean dance).


Felipe Delpin, mayor of La Granja, highlighted the figure of Father Esteban who has always had a strong influence among the inhabitants of the commune.




As a citizen of the world, I promise

When beginning to dusk, Father Esteban´s words sounded loud in the park in the voice of the actor José Secall, proclaiming several poems.  Then, each attendee sealed his own commitment as a "world citizen" also motivated by a poem of Father Esteban entitled in that way. "As a global citizen, I agree in conscience to think, live and act in a way that where lying is organized, I reset the truth ..." says the first verse. Meanwhile, appeared 500 helium balloons with poems and phrases of Father Esteban in each of them, which were thrown into the sky, to the rhythm of the final song of the Cantata of Human Rights, written also by Father Esteban, marking thus the most emotional moment of the evening.

Raipillán, a group of dance and music born in La Legua, broke with a cheerful parade among people, and present a sample of Latin American dance.

The evening ended with a batucada performed by young students from the Casa Azul school in La Granja, who captivated everyone with their talent.


To see more photos from this event:  https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10152557809619436.1073741846.32012229435&type=1


