"In Jesus we find everything"

General Government of the Brothers and Sisters, Rome


Home / News / End of the meeting of the zonal governments in Rome (Srs)

End of the meeting of the zonal governments in Rome (Srs)

There is a feeling of gratitude within this group called by the Good God.  And that sums up this experience where Someone greater than us has been present and gives us  the ability to listen, and peace, joy ... doing good to each one of us. That is why we are grateful.

This has been a meeting in which we leave re-created, with greater strength and enthusiasm. Taking a step further in our interior, to be able to go out to meet our sisters.

We return with a greater sense of belonging to the Congregation. With differences and a richness, but with the desire to walk together. The strength and life that union brings will make that possible.

It was a time sharing where we have discovered a call to leadership in this ministry that we can only respond to in obedience, with our "yes".  From this our leadership is also called to be spiritual.

We continue to see the strength of our charism, and how it urges us to move out of ourselves, and to be in mission. Working with the leadership of the Good Mother helped us to discover her way of accompanying the sisters, of a way of doing and seeing things. She reflects our charismatic experience and makes us connect and vibrate with it.

We kept in mind our sisters, grateful for what they have experienced, looking at communities in mission and searching for ways to respond better to our call with what we are. We went deeper into the possibility of a group of communities forming one community. We also worked on some key things to recreate communion, such as the resolution of conflicts, interculturality, the importance of communication at all levels, or the role of superiors as animators of the vocation of each sister, and of community and daily discernment.

We have done all this as a workshop and it has meant deepening our experience in each of the topics.

We finished with a celebration of the Eucharist in which we thanked God for each of the Sisters of the Congregation and the spirit of our founders who guide us. And finally we went to the scavi (tomb of Saint Peter and the Necropolis under the Vatican Basilica) and a well deserved rest time after ten uninterrupted days of work. May you be fruitful in the Lord!


  • 1. Claudia Margarita Orozco sscc ha scritto il 12/17/2016 alle 21:55:

    Gracias queridas Hermanas del gobierno general por idear este encuentro para nosotras, nos ha permitido conocernos más, ganar en unidad, fraternidad y profundidad en el estilo de acompañamiento de nuestra Buena Madre, entre otros aportes.
    Gracias a cada hermana participante por la novedad de sus experiencias de vida y de fe.
    Un abrazo a cada una.