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General Government of the Brothers and Sisters, Rome


Home / News / Blessing of the SSCC Retreat House in Batam, Indonesia (brothers)

Blessing of the SSCC Retreat House in Batam, Indonesia (brothers)

The blessing of the Retreat House of the Province of Indonesia took place on February 5. The house, called "Rumah Retret SSCC. Batam Oase Centre", is located about a half hour from the city of Batam, capital of the island of the same name.

The celebration was presided by Mgr Hilarius Moa Nurak svd, bishop of Pangkalpinang, diocese to which Batam belongs. About 20 priests concelebrated, including the Provincial of Indonesia, Nugroho Krisusanto sscc. After the celebration of the Eucharist, the house was blessed. This was followed by a festive meal, attended by 350 people.

A team, formed by the sister Suryati Atengdiredja sscc and the brothers Geradus Suyono sscc, Jacob Wuring Buran sscc  and the deacon Rikardus Matius Bili sscc, is responsible for the animation of the house.

On the island of Batam there are 4 SSCC communities. One of the sisters and three of the brothers: the provincial house, a community who runs the parish of St. Damien and the novitiate community, which since 2011 is in an adjacent house to the retreat center.



  • 1. niko syura ha scritto il 02/25/2014 alle 05:42:

    Uncounted thanks for you all who prayed and took part in this long process... 

  • 2. Felipe F. Lazcano sscc ha scritto il 02/10/2014 alle 15:10:

    With best wishes for this house! May it bear much fruit for the Kingdom of God!
    Avec mes meilleurs vœux pour que cette maison produise de bons fruits pour le Royaume de Dieu !
    ¡Con los mejores deseos para que esta casa dé muchos frutos para el reino de Dios!

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