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General Government of the Brothers and Sisters, Rome


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Meeting of sisters and brothers preparing for perpetual vows

On Friday, July 22, a meeting of the sisters and brothers in preparation for perpetual vows took place, via zoom at 5:00 pm (Italy time). This meeting was prepared by the team of formators and the GCIF (Sisters and Brothers). 

It was animated by Goyi Marinss.cc and Fernando Cordeross.cc, with the theme: "Synodality and Collaboration: Brothers, Sisters and Laity".

For her part, Goyi spoke about "Synodality in the history of the Congregation". She described synodality as being “a community of brothers, sisters and laity, united by the same desire to spread the Gospel everywhere, and capable of translating it into a diversity of ministries according to the changing circumstances of their time.

Fernando gave a presentation on: "Synodality through images and experiences". Here is one passage from his text: "The dance of a flock of birds. Each one of them contributes something. Each one has a role to play. It is very dynamic, in progress. It is never finished. There is always room for further development."

This was followed by an interesting dialogue between the participating sisters and brothers and Goyi and Fernando. Some questions that emerged from the discussion were: What are your experiences of synodality in the Congregation in concrete terms? How does the Congregation form young religious in the practice of synodality?

Those who participated in the meeting:

12 brothers of the 4th stage; 7 sisters preparing for final vows ; 2 formators; 3 brothers of the formation team; 2 brothers from the GG and the translation services offered in 3 languages: English, Spanish and French.

