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General Government of the Brothers and Sisters, Rome


Home / News / Commitments of the members of the Secular Branch in Boane, Mozambique (Sisters)

Commitments of the members of the Secular Branch in Boane, Mozambique (Sisters)

The weekend of June 18/19, 2022 was a very special weekend for the Sacred Hearts laity of Boane/Mozambique. On Saturday, we started the day with a retreat, given by Elisabeth Drolshagen, in which we addressed the three verbs: contemplate, live and announce in the light of 'Laudato Si' and the statutes of the secular branch, in view of the renewal of our commitments. In the afternoon, like ants, everyone was involved in decorating the hall and preparing the food for the following day. 

Sunday, Solemnity of the Corpus Christi, in the parish of Blessed Clementina Anuarite de Boane, during the Eucharist celebration presided by Father Michel, of the Salvatorian Congregation, 19 members of the secular branch of the community Enriqueta Aymer, renewed their commitments for three more years. They were: Dinis Armando Manhice, Aberna Emílio Correia, Amelia Alberto Macuacua Manhice, Arlindo Júlio Tamele, Carlos Daniel, Carlota Ngoenha, Cecilia Alfredo Fumo, Celeste Lourenço Mazive Tamele, Constancia Simiao Tsambo Mwito, Daniel Albino Massango, Elisa Nhambi, Eugenia dos Santos, Iabel Manjate, Joaquim Jasse Colomola, Judite Assene, Maria da Graca, Olga Francisco Pechisso, Rosa Nhanala Wamba and Santos Ismael Tomo. In the same celebration, Miguel Dizimane Cumbula made his one-year commitment. Brigida Eduardo Macamo sscc, superior of the sscc sisters in Mozambique, representing the whole Congregation, welcomed the promises of each member with great joy. Dinis Armando Manice, coordinator of the SSCC Laity in Mozambique, was also exultant with joy. After expressing the first joy in the Eucharist, the feast continued with a fraternal meal followed by dancing in the premises of the sscc sisters' house in Boane.

