The first week of the meeting "around perpetual vows ", which takes place in Colombia, to be precise at the retreat house " Buenos Aires ", in Chinauta, has come to an end. The 11 participants and the 3 formators have dedicated this first week to remember the steps in the initial formation, from the vocational experience until the present moment. Some participants have already made their perpetual profession, but most are preparing themselves for it.
The objectives and content of each stage of formation were recalled, with personal and group reflections, in order to internalize and consolidate what has been lived over the years. In the work on the stage of temporary professed the group received an input from the Jesuit Víctor Martínez.

On Saturday 21 began a new phase of the meeting, devoted to know the reality of the provinces of each participant.
In the coming days the preparation and celebration of Christmas will focus the group's attention .
All this is accompanied by moments of prayer, adoration ... and also football matches.
For more information see chronicle of the meeting in the BLOG SSCC