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General Government of the Brothers and Sisters, Rome


Home / News / Fr. Esteban and the Golden Anniversary of Saints Peter-Paul parish in Santiago de Chile (Brs)

Fr. Esteban and the Golden Anniversary of Saints Peter-Paul parish in Santiago de Chile (Brs)

With joy the parish of San Pedro and San Pablo in Santiago de Chile has turned 50 years old on 29 June 2014. As always, whenever the parish of Sts. Pedro-Pablo dresses up, it does so with joyful heart. It is difficult to remain indifferent to this celebration. Strong singing, confident responses, well-formed laity, good lectors, impeccable guides. This community founded by Father Esteban Gumucio has a powerful seal, it would not be strange that the Archbishop of Santiago, Cardinal Ricardo Ezzati, has gone with some images of the evening in his head.

The celebration began with singer Fernando Leiva, who has composed many poems of Esteban, some while he was alive, and some posthumously. For now, Tres cosas tiene el amor, sounded a few times, for this song, which is already an anthem of the Chilean Church, contains the phrase that accompanies us during celebrations of the centenary of the birth of Esteban: Y ponerse a caminar!

We also take the phrase this time as a motivating sign that will accompany us until November. It is about wearing  a bracelet to remind us that every time we have to walk, for whatever reason, we will raise a prayer to ask the Lord that Father Esteban will soon be on the altars.

During the celebration of the Eucharist, the vice-postulator of the cause of beatification of Esteban Gumucio gave us the good news that the diocesan phase of the investigation in Santiago, was validated by the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, so it was an even happier day for the Chilean Province.
