On Thursday 28 November, the annual meeting of Project Solidarity with Southern Sudan was held at the Generalate of the Brothers of the Christian Instruction (La Salle). There were 60 participants from various religious congregations as well as other interested partners. Jean Blaise Mwanda sscc was also present. The following items were on the agenda: the President's report, the situation of the Church of Southern Sudan, the Executive Director's report, finances and the election of the new team.
The Solidarity with Southern Sudan Project was set up in 2008 by the UISG and USG at the request of the Bishops' Conference of Southern Sudan. It now has 21 members from 14 different Congregations, divided into 5 communities. It focuses on 4 areas: education, health, agriculture and pastoral care. Financial support comes from contributions from the congregations and other partners. Despite the widespread insecurity in Southern Sudan this project continues its activities and represents hope for the people. The synergy between the different congregations generates a number of services and a sense of togetherness. This is the path that leads to justice, peace and reconciliation in the long term.
Brother Emili Turù Rofes was re-elected President of the Solidarity with Southern Sudan Project.