Here in Rome, June 8 through 11, three of our brothers, directly involved in advancing the Cause of the Good Father, held a work session:
• David Reid, General Postulator
• Bernard Couronne, “Recognized expert,” who has worked for many years on a meticulously documented biography of the Good Father
• Alberto Toutin the coordinator of the Commission for the Historical and Spiritual Patrimony of the SSCC who has worked on the presentation of the heroicity of the Good Father’s virtues.
On June 9, they met with Monsignor Maurizio Tagliaferri in the Congregation of the Causes of the Saints. Monsignor is the “relator” (official presenter) of the Cause before the Holy See.
The work done by Bernard Couronne (a documented biography of more than 600 pages) will serve as the source for the “informative” part of the Positio (the presentation). This Positio (which is the document on the basis of which the Pope can declare the Good Father to be “venerable” with a view to possible and later Beatification) will be completed with a study on the heroicity of the virtues. This work is to be done in tandem with the work already done on the Diocesan level (completed in Paris 2007) and with a view to the relevance of this Cause for the life of the Church today.
As David Reid says, what’s important is that this story needs to be told because it forms part of the holiness of the Church and edifies the People of God in our march through history.
As David Reid says, what’s important is that this story needs to be told because it forms part of the holiness of the Church and edifies the People of God in our march through history.
The team has marked out the following steps and put them on the calendar. The hope is to complete the Positio for 2017. This work, likewise done in coherence with the documented biography prepared by Bernard Couronne, will serve as the document source of all who desire in the future to do deeper study of our history and of our SSCC charism.