Our brother Alex Brian Cruz Carreón, belonging to the province of Peru, has made his perpetual profession on June 27, at the parish of San Antonio de Padua of Mosquera (Cundinamarca, Colombia).
It was an emotional celebration presided by the Viceprovincial of Colombia, Arley Guarín Sosa sscc, ??who was delegated by the Provincial of Peru, Paulino Colque sscc, to receive the vows.
Thanks were given to God for the gift of a brother who commits himself forever in our religious family, a brother full of talent and, above all, with a spirit of simplicity, who began his discovery of the love of God in his family, especially through his parents.

The celebration was attended by a significant number of young people who are linked with the parish pastoral processes and also by the group of sscc lay people who have been for several years in a process of formation in the charism of the Congregation.
After the celebration, all participants shared a delicious barbeque. The toast was given by Raul Pariamachi sscc who has accompanied Brian for some time as formator and later as provincial. The temporary professed brothers of Colombia offered a musical entertainment during lunch. In the afternoon there was a "microfútbol" match with the young people present at the celebration.
