On Sunday, 4 January 2015, God's blessing was benefited by our Congregation through the First Profession of Alain MAKANDA, Leon NGALAMULUME, Hervé KAMBA and Naziane KONDE, to be followed by the Perpetual Profession of Landry IBIL.
It is a great joy for us, because we see the flourishing of those who will continue the mission given to us by Christ. The Eucharistic celebration was held in the Parish of Blessed Anuarite in Boane, chaired by His Excellency João Carlos, Auxiliary Bishop of Maputo.
In his homily, Father Jean-Blaise Mwanda, Provincial Superior in Africa, showed the contrast in the Gospel of the feast of the Epiphany between the arrogance of Herod, who does not open up to the newness of the Spirit, and the humility of the Magi who allowed themselves to be led by the star. They who let themselves be led by the Spirit arrived at the place where the child Jesus was and then returned by another way.
Are we arrogant or humble? As religious, what can we do to be guided by the star and become a star? It is in prayer, community life and mission. He invited the newly professed and brother Landry to always be faithful to prayer and to see Christ as the ideal or the best model. They must rely on the various communities that will accompany them, develop them with fraternity and walk together in mission.
Another dimension of the mission was that of availability. Father Provincial invited all to always be available for the mission, willing to go where they will be sent. After the celebration, drink was shared in the community of the Sisters in Boane. May the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary become the light on every step of their new adventure.