The canonical Visit to the territory of Asia, which belongs to the Zone of Pacific/USA-Asia began on the 10th March. On the 7th March, the general councilors, Mary McCloskey and Aurora Laguarda, arrived in Calcutta, where the visit began.
The Territory of Asia is composed of 8 communities in three countries, Philippines (3 communities), Indonesia (3 communities and India (2 communities).There are 37 sisters belonging to this Territory, although there are two sisters in the Territory of Pacific/USA and another giving service in Rome.
The canonical Visit began in India and will continue in the Philippines and will finish in Indonesia. In each community, there are community meetings, personal conversations, visits to the Works and apostolates and meetings with the brothers and laity. It is a time to “take the pulse” as it were of the life and mission of the sisters and communities, to revitalize and strengthen their vocation, to renew fidelity and encourage enthusiasm and hope in the future. It is an important moment in our life to be able to listen to the concerns of the sisters, to their hopes and needs, their desires and with that to accompany them and inspire them in their life and mission.
At the end of the visit there will be a meeting with the Government of the Zone, to shared what was experienced and to continue walking together.
