"In Jesus we find everything"

General Government of the Brothers and Sisters, Rome


Home / Our deceased / † Sr. Renée LENOIR sscc (France)

† Sr. Renée LENOIR sscc (France)


Dear Sisters and Brothers,
    Sr. Renée LENOIR left us on Saturday January 10 2009, she said twice with the special grace of self control « I am going to die… ». When Marie-Hélène who saw her suffering replied : « Yes, you are going to die !... She closed her eyes and quietly went to meet her Beloved, her Lord ! Her face lit up with an interior light full of peace… it was time to come face to face !

    Sister Renée – Marcelle Lenoir – was born in Havre on January 30 1914. She entered the Congregation in 1933 in París. She made her temporary vows in 1936 and went to the house in Mende. After her final vows in 1939 she came to Poitiers where she lived her first years of religious life. Then Laval, Chartres and Rennes would be years of activity in the service of the young people and the community.
    We point out especially the years lived with Srs. Victoria Garnier y Albine Ferret: In the school of St. Joseph in Laval, Sister Renée gave the best of herself by welcoming and in the daily life of young people in difficulty ! She retired in 1990 in Le Mans... and she came to Poitiers to continue from Noviembre 26 2003.

Testimony of Sr. Jeanne Cadiou:
    The long life of Sr Renée has been full: she gave herself to young people and children who loved her greatly, to her sisters in community and above all, she gave herself in love to Him whom she had chosen to follow. Her gentleness and kindness were all tested and she had a prodigious heart : Sr Renée was a great treasure for our religious family. If the Lord came to fetch her in the eve of the « Baptism in the Jordan », it was because he wanted to say to her once more : « You are my beloved daughter ».

Testimony of Sr. Albine Ferret:

    Sister Renée Lenoir: a religious full of wisdom and devotion. 

    Some time ago she suffered from acute deafness, but she had the ears of a heart that made her attentive to the needs of the sisters and all those with whom she lived. She devised ways of helping and supporting with discretion and delicacy, which was always accompanied by a lovely smile.

    Sr Renée´s health was fragile as a consequence of many operations, but she drew strength and joy from contemplating Jesus, meek and humble of heart whom she tried to imitate throughout her life. Today she can rejoice in the clear vision of Him whom she served and loved throughout her long life. »

    A praying soul, Sr Renée, liked to pray the rosary and with great ardor, and participated each day in the Eucharist. She has left us a testimony of peace and gentleness. We recommend her to your prayers.
María Hélène Granjon, Marie-Sylvie Maurin
