Anna Schrijver was born on the April 7 1923 in Raalte. She was the daughter of Antoon Bernardus Schrijver and Hendrika Gerritdina Veltmaat. She was part of a large family.
On December 18 1950 she entered the Cong regation of the Sisters of the Sacred Hearts in Meerssen, where she made her temporary vows in 1953. In 1956 she made her final profession in Paris.
When she returned to Holland, she worked in the kitchen of the community in Loonbeek. Then she went back to Meerssen where she took care of the cleaning. In 1968 she went to work in the elderly ladies residence in Bois-le-Duc and from 1971 she worked (as an employee) in a social/medical care establishment.
Sr Anna moved to the monastery in Bois-le-Duc in 1985. It was in this community that she devoted herself totally to her work in the kitchen and the cleaning. In 1996 her health began to weaken as arthritis set in and she had to restrict her activities.
In 2000 Anna was the first sister to move to the “St. Jozefoord” Residence in Nuland. When the monastery in Bois-le-Duc closed in 2002, most of the other sisters in the community also went to live in Nuland.
Anna spent a good time there. The lessons in how to maneuver the electric wheelchair were a real challenge for her, she made progress and that amused her greatly. Alas the process of rheumatism continued its deadly work, the blood supply her toes, foot and leg was not working as it should. The last month was particularly difficult and very painful. This ultimately was the cause of her death. On September 1st 2009 she went to her God and Creator. It was a transition for which she was well prepared.
Dear Sr. Anna, your compassion for all that was happening in the Congregation was great, you were sensitive to the plight of those around you, and you always remained optimistic. Joy was your specialty, you rarely complained and you accepted the shortcomings and inconvenience that you had to endure.
Your simplicity was exemplary, you entrusted yourself entirely to God and you witnessed this trust before the other sisters too. You were not easily defeated and you enjoyed the “small pleasures” around you. The flowers and animals in nature interested you particularly, especially the cows! By the life you led, you lived and proclaimed the love of God, you did not hide how much you loved the congregation, you did not spare yourself and you were an inspiration to us all. Thank you for this!
Now that you returned to God, we hope you are living in the fullness of love with Him and that you are experiencing eternal joy. We think of you with feelings of love and sincere gratitude.