Towards the General Chapters...
Common documents (brothers and sisters)
- Questionnaire Intances of meetings brothers and sisters (05.12.2017)
- Texts of the General Chapters on unity brothers and sisters
- Compilation answers SISTERS
- Compilation answers BROTHERS
PRAYER for the preparation of the General Chapters PDF A4
God of mercy,
We give you thanks for your loving gaze
on our religious family,
for our vocation to follow Jesus
and for the charism,
which you have given us in our Founders.
At this time, in which we sisters and brothers
are preparing for our General Chapters,
We ask that you send us your Holy Spirit.
That he may help us to savor you
on the journey of life
and inspire us to recreate our mission
within the Church, as one congregational body.
In this moment of our history,
united as one family,
with one vocation and mission,
we want to respond to your dreams
in an ever-new way.
May Mary Queen of Peace,
be our companion on the journey.
We ask you this through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.