PERU, Lima: Sisters´ novitiate, with Raúl Pariamachi, Javier and Pankras (18.05.2014)
PERU, Lima: Secular Branch, community Héctor de Cárdenas sscc, with Javier and Pankras (18.05.2014)
PERU, Lima: community of the Provincial House, with Javier and Pankras (17.05.2014)
PERU, Montenegro: Chapel "Cruz de Motupe", Parish Nuestra Señora de la Paz (15.05.2014)
PERU, Montenegro: Germán Le Baut in the district (15.05.2014)
PERU, Montenegro: Paulino Colque with Javier and Pankras (15.05.2014)
PERU, Montenegro: the sscc community with Javier and Pankras (15.05.2014)
PERU, Montenegro: parish dinning room (15.05.2014)
PERU, Lima: Community of Monterrico, José Serrand and Pankras (13.05.2014)
PERU, Lima: Community of Monterrico, with Javier and Pankras (13.05.2014)
PERU, Lima: administrative staff of the School La Recoleta SSCC at the end of the adoration (09.05.2014)
PERU, Lima: Plaza de Francia, adoration with Damien (09.05.2014)