SPAIN, Madrid: Brothers & sisters at Stone Owl where Fr. Teófilo was martyred (11 Apr 2013)
SPAIN, Madrid: Putting roses and candles at Piedra del Mochuelo (11 Apr 2013)
SPAIN, Madrid: Conrado Monreal directs prayer at Piedra del Mochuelo (11 Apr 2013)
SPAIN, Madrid: Perpetual profession of María García Olloqui in Colegio Paraiso SSCC (18 Mar 2013)
SPAIN, Madrid: Perpetual profession of María García Olloqui in Colegio Paraiso SSCC (18 Mar 2013)
SPAIN, Madrid: Meeting of brothers and sisters in initial formation in San Lorenzo de El Escorial (26 Feb 2013)
SPAIN, Madrid: Meeting of brothers and sisters in initial formation in San Lorenzo de El Escorial (26 Feb 2013)
SPAIN, Madrid: Meeting of brothers and sisters in initial formation in San Lorenzo de El Escorial (26 Feb 2013)
SPAIN, El Escorial: Meeting of Brother & Sister Superiors in San Lorenzo (17 Feb 2013)
SPAIN, El Escorial: Pía Lafont proclaims the Word (17 Feb 2013)
SPAIN, El Escorial: Enrique Losada & Nuria Arias, Provincial Superiors (17 Feb 2013)
SPAIN, El Escorial: Eucharist at the Meeting of Superiors (17 Feb 2013)