PERU, Lima: Brothers and Sisters Novitiate of the Latin America (27.12.2016)
PERU, Lima: Sisters visit to Brothers Novitiate (31.07.2016)
PERU, Lima: First Profession of Genoye Lipa Ramos sscc (06.08.2016)
PERU, Lima: First Profession of Genoye Lipa Ramos sscc (06.08.2016)
PERU, Lima: First Profession of Genoye Lipa Ramos sscc (06.08.2016)
PERU, Lima: Visit of the SSCC Sisters to the Brothers' Novitiate (31.07.2016)
PERU, Lima: Brothers & Sisters Latin American Novices in Peru (21.05.2014)
PERU, Lima: Gathering of SSCC brothers, sisters and lay members (13.12.2015)
PERU, Lima: SS.CC. Sports Event "Playing with the heart" (25.01.2015)
PERU, Lima: Assembly of brothers, sisters and members of the Secular Branch (10.01.2015)
PERU, Lima: Assembly of brothers, sisters and members of the Secular Branch (10.01.2015)
PERU, Lima: Assembly of brothers, sisters and members of the Secular Branch (10.01.2015)