ITALY, Rome: International Congress on the urgency for a missionary transformation of the church (29.11.2019)
ITALY, Vatican: Meeting with Pope Francis (29.11.2019)
ITALY, Rome: Celebration of the Good Mother (23.11.2019)
ITALY, Rome: All Souls Day visit to Campo Verano (02.11.2019)
ITALY, Rome: All Souls Day visit to Campo Verano (02.11.2019)
ITALY, Rome: Damiano Tonegutti, the best Hebrew and Greek student (11.10.2019)
ITALY, Rome: Visit of the Bishop of the Cook Islands to the General House (10.10.2019)
ITALY, Rome: Meeting of the Spiritual Animation Team of the Secular Branch (03.10.2019)
ITALY, Rome: Visits to the community of the general House (Brothers) (27.09.2019)
ITALY, Rome: Alberto Toutin with Pascal Chang Soi, bishop of Taiohae, and Jean Pierre Cottanceau, archbishop of Papeete (24.09.2019)
ITALY, Vatican City: Pope Francis receives Sergio PÉREZ de ARCE in Santa Marta (19.09.2019)
ITALY, Rome: Visit of Sergio Pérez de Arce (18.09.2019)