CONGREGATION OF THE SACRED HEARTSof JESUS and MARY General Government of the Brothers and Sisters, Rome
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"To the heart nothing is far away" (Good Mother)
11.03.2017Retreat, Assembly and Presbyteral Ordination in Ecuador (Brs) The brothers of the Vice Province of Ecuador met from March 6 to 9 in the retreat house of the diocese of Santo Domingo to have their annual retreat. Four postulants were present who will belong to the future province (the province of Peru and the vice-provinces of Co...
10.03.2017Canonical Visit to Asia (Srs) The canonical Visit to the territory of Asia, which belongs to the Zone of Pacific/USA-Asia began on the 10th March. On the 7th March, the general councilors, Mary McCloskey and Aurora Laguarda, arrived in Calcutta, where the visit began. The Territory of Asia is compos...
09.03.2017Letter 42 of the Superior General – THE LORD IS FAITHFUL (Srs)
07.03.2017Letter of the Superior General - VOWS (Brothers)
05.03.2017Annual Meeting of SSCC Members of the Second Stage – Iberian Peninsula (Brs & Srs) The annual meeting of brothers and sisters of the second stage took place in the Sisters House of San Lorenzo de el Escorial, March 2-4. There was a total of 34 participants. The agenda focused on the bicentennial of the pontifical approval of the Congregation address...
01.03.2017March 2017: Calendar of Events (Brs & Srs) CLICK
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The Good Father is wounded on the left leg. The wound takes a long time to close. He will be laid up until April.