14.01.2015New Provincial Government of Peru (Brs)
From Monday 12 to Friday 16 January the Province of Peru celebrates its Provincial Chapter.
On the second day of the Chapter, the new Government of Perú was formed. Two councillors, Pedro Vidarte and Lucio Colque, were elected by the Chapter. Another councilor,...
13.01.2015† Fr. Michael (Dominic) ANNUNZIATO sscc (USA)
13.01.2015Assembly of brothers, sisters and members of the Secular Branch in Lima – Peru (Brs)
The meeting took place on Saturday January 10th at the House of Spirituality Hermasie Paget, in Lima. It involved some 20 brothers (province of Peru), about 40 sisters (province Peru-Brazil-Mexico) and 8 members of the Secular Branch.
It started with a time of prayer,...
10.01.2015† Sr. Marie-Victor BOUQUET sscc (France)
09.01.2015New Provincial Superior of Peru (Brs)
From 5 to 7 January 2015 the brothers of the Province of Peru had a retreat, animated by Felipe Lazcano, in the house of spirituality of the Sisters of Charity of Saint Anne, in Chaclacayo (on the outskirts of Lima). Then they had in Lima, in Monterico, the provincial ass...
09.01.2015New Provincial Government of Mexico (Brs)
The 14th chapter of the province of Mexico is taking place in Tetelcingo (Morelos), from 5 to 9 January 2015. 17 brothers participate in it. Also attending are Javier Álvarez-Ossorio, the Superior General, and Oscar Casanova (a Chilean brother of temporary vow...