07.06.2018Annual Meeting of the SSCC Secular Branch of France
This year, the annual weekend (June 2 and 3, 2018) has taken the colors of a pilgrimage to the sources. In fact, we walked through the Poitiers region:
- Coussay-les-Bois, where the Good Father was born, was baptized and celebrated his first Mass.
- The granary wh...
06.06.2018Retreat and Assembly of Mexican Province (Brs)
From May 21 to 24 the Mexican Province had a retreat at the House of San Damián in Chalco, Mexico, with Fr. Luis Fernando Téllez, C.D. This year the province seeks to deepen some elements of the Sacred Hearts spirituality. On this occasion, attention was dra...
06.06.2018Formation of local superiors in Chaclacayo (brothers)
From 4 to 6 June, the Andean Province assembled the Superiors of the Local Communities to get to know each other in a formation session. The province has 13 local communities in four countries (Peru, Colombia, Ecuador and Puerto Rico). Present in the gathering were 12 loc...
05.06.2018† Father Maurice DELEBECQUE sscc (France)
Father Maurice Delebecque, 77 years old, passed away on 5 June 2018 in Ste Anne d'Auray, Morbihan (France).
He entered the novitiate in 1960 and he was professed on 8 September 1961, in Châteaudun (France).
He was ordained a priest in Josselin (France) o...
04.06.2018Meeting of the CIAL Executive Committee (brothers)
The Executive Committee of the Latin American Conference (CIAL) has met from May 30 to June 1 in Macul (Santiago, Chile). The meeting was attended by Raúl Pariamachi (Andina, CIAL coordinator), Pedro Díaz (Mexico), René Cabezón (Chile), S&eacut...
04.06.2018News from Colombia: Preparation for Final vows (Sisters)
On May 2 and 3 we had the opportunity of presenting the presence of the ss.cc sisters and missions in Asia, Africa and Spain, to the community of Medellin. Through power point presentations, the sisters journeyed to India, the Philippines, Indonesia, Congo, Mozambique and Spai...