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General Government of the Brothers and Sisters, Rome


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"To the heart nothing is far away" (Good Mother)

  • 16.01.2017† Brother Gerard DONKERS sscc (Netherlands) Br. Gerard Donkers, 83 years old, passed away on January 16, 2017 in Teteringen (Netherlands). He entered the novitiate in 1953 and he was professed on September 24, 1954 in Niew-Ginneken (Netherlands). He made his final profession in Valkenburg (Netherlands) on S...

  • 15.01.2017Retreat, Assembly and Renewal of Temporary Vows in Mexico (Brs) The brothers of the Mexican province met in Tetelcingo, Morelos, January 9-13 for their winter retreat. After a year of work in ongoing formation on  the theme: "Relate to share", Fr. Marcos Alba, MSpS. set some  time for the personal appropriation of th...

  • 14.01.2017First Profession of Joaquín Molina (Brs) In the SS.CC. Recoleta Church at the city center of Lima brother Joaquín Molina sscc made his temporary profession last January 14. The Eucharist was presided by Fr. Paulino Colque Ccori sscc, the Provincial of Peru, and was attended by the relatives of the new...

  • 12.01.2017Deaconate Ordination of Arul Thyagaraj Esthakkiya sscc, India (Brs) On January 9, 2017 at 5:00 pm, Br. Arul Thyagaraj Esthakkiya, ss.cc. was ordained a Deacon by His Grace Rev. Thomas D’ Souza, the Archbishop of Kolkata, India. It was a familial celebration at Sacred Hearts Seminary,  as all the participants were our Sacre...

  • 12.01.2017† Sister Imelda VILLARES, sscc (Spain) Sister Imelda Villares, 87 years old, died on January 12, 2017 in El Escorial, Spain.  She entered the novitiate in 1950 in El Escorial, Spain, and she pronounced her perpetual vows on August 6, 1955 in Paris, France.

  • 11.01.2017Celebration in Batam, Indonesia, to mark the Bicentennial of Constitutions Taking place in St. Damian Parish on the 10th of January 2017, SSCC brothers and sisters in Batam marked the Jubilee Year of the Bicentennial of our Constitution. We took the advantage of this precious moment by having recollection under the theme “Make Constitutions ...

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