09.04.2019Meeting of the Pastoral Teams of the 4 SSCC schools (Sisters -Chile)
In Santiago, Chile, a meeting of the Pastoral Teams of the 4 SSCC schools run by the Sisters was held from 5-7 April to reflect on the theme of accompaniment. The meeting was led by Mrs. Mónica Poblete and her daughter Alejandra, both of whom are psychologists. &n...
09.04.2019SSCC schools awarded Seal of Excellence (Spain)
‘Catholic Schools’ has recently delivered the ‘Seal of Excellence in Educational Management +500’ to the six schools run by the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts in the Iberian Province: Colegio San José (Seville), Padre Damián (Barce...
08.04.2019Interview with Christian Flottes, Provincial of France
Interview with Christian Flottes,
Provincial of France:
"We do not have to recopy the past, but to live in creative fidelity to the founding charism"
What steps have you taken in the Province of France to build on the documents of the last...
06.04.2019Border migrants in Texas (USA)
Fr. Bob Charlton, ss.cc., Fr. Brian Guerrini, ss.cc. and the people of Queen of Peace Parish in Harlingen, Texas are certainly "stepping up to the plate" to help the immigrants coming into the country. They have opened their parish centre hall as...
05.04.2019Letter of the Superior General - THE IMPORTANCE OF THE "HOW" (Brs)
04.04.2019Visit to the area of Peru (Brothers)
At the beginning of April, Raúl Pariamachi, Provincial Superior of the Andina Province, is making the canonical visit to the zone of Peru, accompanied by Elí Perdomo, Provincial Councilor. In the photos we see them meeting with the pastoral workers of the Pa...