01.05.2009Provincial Chapter of Flanders (Brs) The Provincial Chapter of Flanders took place in Louvain April 28030. Participating were 13 capitulants, including Juan Carlos Tinjaca as delegate of the Vice-provincial of Colombia, who could not be present. Also present was the Superior General. The second day ther...

24.04.2009Visit to the United States and Hawaii (Srs) Rosa Maria Ferrreiro, Superior General and Brigid Falahee, Vicar General are carrying out the Canonical Visit to the communities of the Pacific Province and the United States.
The visit began on April 21st to the community in Fairhaven, Mass...

22.04.2009Report on the first Chapter of Japan-Philippine Province by some young brothers (Brs)April 22, 2009
by: Brs. Jovy Garcia and Michael Hifarva
The first Chapter of the newly erected Japan-Philippine Province that took place in Tomobe, Japan and in Manila, Philippines from April 13-17, 2009 was very meaningful for everyone present at the chapter...

17.04.2009New Provincial Government of Germany (Brs)
This news is available only in Spanish.
Please click on the following title if you're willing to read it:
Nuevo Gobierno Provincial de Alemania (Hnos)

17.04.2009Provincial Chapter of Poland (Brs)
This news is available only in Spanish.
Please click on the following title if you're willing to read it:
El Capítulo Provincial de Polonia (Hnos)

16.04.2009First Provincial Government of the new Province of Japan-Philippine (Brs) On April 16 the first provincial government of the new province was elected: John Yamada (Provincial), Andy Healy (Vicar), Michiaki Chihara (Councilor) Noel Flaviano (Councilor).
The four are in the photo. Noel is on the computer screen as h...