CONGREGATION OF THE SACRED HEARTSof JESUS and MARY General Government of the Brothers and Sisters, Rome
For SSCC only
Home / Our deceased
19.04.2014† Sister Emma Verschoren VAN RILLAN, sscc (Belgium)
19.04.2014† Sr. María Cristina LAFONT MORGADO sscc (Spain)
03.04.2014† Fr. Kenneth McCABE sscc (USA-West)
21.03.2014† Sister Yvonne Reynaerts, sscc (Belgium)
21.03.2014† Sister Jeanne (Geneviève) Cordeiro, sscc (Hawaii–USA)
17.03.2014† Fr. Bonawentura (Edmund) GOLUCH sscc (Poland)
14.03.2014† Fr. Ramón MERA GARCÍA sscc (Iberia)
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From the third exposition of Father Hilarion