CONGREGATION OF THE SACRED HEARTSof JESUS and MARY General Government of the Brothers and Sisters, Rome
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23.06.2023USA, Harlingen: Priestly ordination of Paulo Lui Voreqe (17.06.2023)
19.06.2023INDONESIA, Bandung: Priestly ordination of Adrianus David Nautani and Wulfstan Harris Soerianto (16.06.2023)
16.06.2023PHILIPPINES, Silang: Beginning of the Novitiate (15.06.2023)
12.06.2023BRAZIL, Campo Grande: Priestly ordination of Wanderson de Souza (10.06.2023)
22.05.2023FRANCE, Paris: Beatification of the Martyrs of Picpus (22-23.04.2023)Photos by Piotr DUCZMAL sscc
22.05.2023BRAZIL, Campo Grande: 25 years of priestly ordination of Ricardo Gomes da Silva (16.05.2023)
15.05.2023FIJI, Suva: Ordination to diaconate of Saia Fainga'a (13.05.2023)
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Hilarion Lucas succeeds in convincing Cardinal Oppizzoni to be able to request the approval of Rome