BELGIUM, Leuven: Seminar LEPROSY : A HUMAN EXPERIENCE (20.09.2013)

FLANDERS, Leuven: Provincial Chapter (April 2012)

FLANDERS, Leuven: Felipe Félix LAZCANO, General Councilor, with last Provincial Government (April 12, 2012)

FLANDERS, Leuven: Provincial Chapter (April 2012)

FLANDERS, Leuven: Fr. Radek ZIEZIO, General Councillor, with all the Superiors of CEA (2011)

FLANDERS, Leuven: the Superiors of CEA celebrating mass in the crypte of Damien's Tumb (2011)

FLANDERS, Leuven: the Superiors of CEA celebrating mass in the crypte of Damien's Tumb (2011)

FLANDERS, Leuven: the Superiors of CEA visiting the Community of the Sisters (2011)

FLANDERS, Leuven: Jan WOUTERS, Superior of the Province of Holland with Fr. Frans GOOTS (2011)

FLANDERS, Leuven: Enrique LOSADA, Superior of the Iberian Province and André LERENARD, Superior of France (2011)

FLANDERS, Leuven: Meeting of the Superiors of CEA (2011)

BELGIUM, Leuven: May 10, 2010; eucharist in the crypte of Saint Damien's tumb (2010)