BRAZIL, Pindamonhangaba: National Meeting of SSCC Secular Branch (01.09.2017)

BRAZIL, Belo Horizonte: Celebration the Feast of the Sacred Heart (23.06.2017)

BRAZIL, Vitoria: Celebration of the 75th birthday of Dom Luiz Mancilha Vilela sscc (06.05.2017)
BRAZIL, Vila Prudente (San Pablo): SSCC brothers at first profession of Edvaldo Carneiro (29.01.2017)
BRAZIL, Vila Prudente (San Pablo): first profession of Edvaldo Carneiro (29.01.2017)
BRAZIL, Boracéia: SSCC Constitutions (28.01.2017)
BRAZIL, Boracéia: Assembly; handing over the Constitutions (28.01.2017)
BRAZIL, Boracéia: Assembly; brothers in initial formation (28.01.2017)
BRAZIL, Boracéia: Assembly of the Province (28.01.2017)

BRAZIL, Belo Horizonte: "Sanctuary of Health and Peace", bishopd of Easter Region II of the CNBB (09.11.2016)

BRAZIL, Belo Horizonte: Reception at "Sanctuary of Health and Peace", Easter Region II of the CNBB assembly (09.11.2016)

BRAZIL, Belo Horizonte: Eucharist in the "Sanctuary of Health and Peace" with 32 bishops (09.11.2016)