ITALY, Rome: Visit to the Museum of the Brothers' General House (05.09.2022)
JAPAN, Ibaraki-Ken: 95th anniversary of John (Cornelius) Biffar (28.03.2022)

JAPAN, Tomobe: Snow (07.01.2022)

JAPAN, Tomobe: Celebratrion of Philip Murphy, John Biffar and John Yamada's Jubilees (26.04.2021)

JAPAN, Tomobe: Closing mass of the Fifth Provincial Chapter of Japan-Philippines Province (05.02.2021)

JAPAN, Tomobe: New Provincial Government of Japan-Philippines (03.02.2021)

JAPAN, Tomobe: Fifth Provincial Chapter of Japan-Philippines (01-05.02.2021)

JAPAN, Tomobe: The Provincial Superior Michiaki Chihara with Kenji Honma, previous Provincial Superior (01.02.2021)

JAPAN, Okinawa: The facilitator of the Chapter, Bishop Berndt Wayne, OFMCap from the Naha Diocese in Okinawa (01.02.2021)

JAPAN, Tomobe: Opening mass of the Fifth Provincial Chapter of Japan-Philippines Province by Father Philip Murphy sscc (01.02.2021)

JAPAN, Tomobe: Opening mass of the Fifth Provincial Chapter of Japan-Philippines Province by Father Philip Murphy sscc (01.02.2021)

JAPAN, Yamagata City: Michiaki Chihara celebrating mass (30.03.2020)