"In Jesus we find everything"

General Government of the Brothers and Sisters, Rome


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"To the heart nothing is far away" (Good Mother)

  • 13.07.2024Session Poitiers: Day of retreat On Friday 12 July, Session Poitiers gathered for a retreat at the Lycée Saint Jacques.  The retreat was led by Jeanne Cadiou sscc.  Her theme was "conversion of the heart: in a climate of silence and prayer" and was based on the life of the...

  • 12.07.2024Chateau Chevalerie and Saint Georges de Noisné On Thursday, July 11th, the Session Poitiers participants spent a day visiting places linked to the early life of the Good Mother. The group was guided by Marie-Gabrielle Renou sscc. To begin with, the group visited the birthplace of our Foundress in Chateau Chevaleri...

  • 12.07.2024† Father Desmond (Fintan) SHEERAN sscc (US) Father Fintan, 94 years old, died on 11 July, 2024 in New Bedford, MA (USA). He entered the novitiate in 1949 and he was professed on 14 September 1950 in Fairhaven, MA (USA). He was ordained a priest on 24 September 1955 in Jaffrey, NH (USA). May he rest i...

  • 11.07.2024Seven brothers celebrate their first profession in Batam (Indonesia) On the feast of our Lady of Peace, 9 July 2024, seven brothers who had completed their novitiate professed their vows in the hands of the Provincial of Indonesia. The celebration took place in the Saint Damian Parish, Bengkong. Before their profession, Father Philip Junia...

  • 11.07.2024Session Poitiers: Challenges facing the world and the Church today Session Poitiers continued with a day of reflection and exchange between the participants. On Tuesday 10 July, Jean Blaise Mwanda sscc reflected on the theme: "Some challenges facing society and the Church today". Session Poitiers provided us with an opportu...

  • 10.07.2024Video: At the Grand' Maison (France) On Tuesday, July 9th, the feast of the Virgin of Peace, the participants of the Poitiers Session visited the Grand' Maison in the city of Poitiers (France), cradle of our Congregation. Marie-Gabrielle Renou sscc and Jeanne Cadiou sscc were in charge of showing th...

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