04.06.2018Anniversary of the Beatification of Damien De Veuster
Prayer to Damien of Molokai by Pope John Paul II
Homily in the Beatification Mass
4 June 1995
Blessed Damien,
you let yourself be guided by the Holy Spirit
as a son obedient to the will of the Father.
By your life and your mission
you ...

01.06.2018June 2018: Calendar of Events (Brs & Srs)

31.05.2018† Fr. Francisco Juan-Antonio (Juanón) LUCAS SANZ sscc (Spain)
Father Juan Antonio Lucas Sanz, 93 years old, passed away on 31 May 2018 in El Escorial, Spain.
He entered the novitiate in 1941 and he was professed on 8 September 1942, in El Escorial, Spain.
He was ordained a priest in Miranda de Ebro (Spain) on 15 August 1950....

26.05.2018† Fr. Mieczyslaw RECKO sscc (Poland)
Fr. Mieczyslaw Recko sscc, 79 years old, died on 26 May 2018 in Wieruszów (Poland).
He entered the novitiate in 1958 and he professed on 25 October 1959 in Sokolowka (Poland).
He was ordained a priest in Wroclaw (Poland) on 24 June 1967.

26.05.2018Meeting with Rosa María Ferreiro for the PAC, Rome (Sisters)
From the 21st to 26th May, Rosa María Ferreiro found herself in Rome to work on the third stage of the Pastoral Plan of the Congregation (PAC). It involved writing the priorities and lines of action, based on the contribution of all the sisters of the Congregation....

26.05.2018The "martyrs" of the Paris Commune
Cause of beatification of the “Martyrs of the Paris Commune”
The General Chapter has mandated the General Government to continue the Cause of beatification of our four brothers “Martyrs of the Paris Commune”: Ladislas Radigue, Polycarpe Tuffier...